Snuff is the 39th novel in the Discworld series, written by Terry Pratchett. It was published on 11 October 2011 in the United States, and 13 October 2011 in the United Kingdom. The book is the third fastest selling novel in the United Kingdom since records began, having sold over 55,000 copies in the first three …

The Pratchett Portfolio on kokoelma Paul Kidbyn kuvituksia Terry Pratchettin Kiekkomaailma-sarjan henkilöhahmoista. Kuvituksiin liittyy teksti, joka käsittelee sitä kuinka kirjailija on luonut hahmonsa. Teos on julkaistu vuonna 1996, minkä jälkeen on julkaistu The Art of Discworld -teos.

Once More* With Footnotes is a book by Terry Pratchett, published by NESFA Press in 2004 when he was the Guest of Honor for Noreascon Four, the 62nd World Science Fiction Convention. It contains a mixture of short stories, articles, introductions to other books, and speeches, including his first published short story, …

The Discworld Almanak is a spin-off book from Terry Pratchett's Discworld novels, in a similar format to the Diaries and Nanny Ogg's Cookbook. It was written by Pratchett and Bernard Pearson and published in 2004. The book takes the form of an almanac for the Discworld Year of the Prawn, and offers astrological …