"A perfect-pitch story of love and redemption" (The New York Times), Boyd's atmospheric new novel confirms his reputation as heir to the grand narrative traditions of Joseph Conrad and Somerset Maugham. In 1936 Los angeles, as her long-estranged father tells architect Kay Fischer the story behind her secret parentage, …
Armadillo is William Boyd's seventh novel, published in 1998. It was the first of his novels to be based in Britain. Boyd also wrote the screenplay for a BBC/A&E television adaptation in 2001.
Brazzaville Plage est un roman de l'écrivain écossais William Boyd paru en 1990. Le livre raconte l'histoire d'une jeune fille, Hope Clearwater, belle et savante éthologue, qui analyse les circonstances qui l'ont conduite à sa retraite volontaire de Brazzaville Plage, entre ciel, sable et océan.
An Ice-Cream War is a darkly comic war novel by British author William Boyd, which was nominated for a Booker Prize in the year of its publication. The title is derived from a quote in a letter "Lt Col Stordy says that the war here will only last two months. It is far too hot for sustained fighting, he says, we will …
Editeur : Points Date de parution : 2002 Description : In-12, 346 pages, broché, occasion, très bon état. Envois quotidiens du mardi au samedi. Les commandes sont adressées sous enveloppes bulles. Photos supplémentaires de l'ouvrage sur simple demande. Réponses aux questions dans les 12h00. Librairie Le Piano-Livre. …