A first-hand journal about the Goldings' travels through Egypt, soon after winning the Nobel Prize, living on a motor cruiser on the Nile. Nothing went quite as planned, but William Golding's vivid and honest account of what actually happened, and of what he saw and felt about ancient Egypt and the exasperations of …
Eight Neanderthals encounter another race of beings like themselves, yet strangely different. This new race, Homo sapiens, fascinating in their skills and sophistication, terrifying in their cruelty, sense of guilt, and incipient corruption, spell doom for the more gentle folk whose world they will inherit. Golding, …
Fluenes herre er en roman fra 1954 av den britiske nobelprisvinneren William Golding. Den var Goldings første roman. Tittelen er inspirert av et av djevelens tilnavn, Beelzebub, som betyr nettopp «Fluenes herre». Boken var ikke noen umiddelbar suksess, men regnes idag som en moderne klassiker og har vært obligatorisk …