Els androides somien xais elèctrics? és una novel·la curta, que pertany al gènere de la ciència-ficció, escrita en 1968 per Philip K. Dick. La del cinema de ciència-ficció, Blade Runner, dirigit per Ridley Scott el 1982 es basa en aquesta novel·la. Dick va morir aquell mateix any, abans que s'estrenés la pel·lícula. …

It's America in 1962. Slavery is legal once again. the few Jews who still survive hide under assumed names. In San Francisco the I Ching is as common as the Yellow Pages. All because some 20 years earlier the United States lost a war--and is now occupied jointly by Nazi Germany and Japan. This harrowing, Hugo …

Bob Arctor is a dealer of the lethally addictive drug Substance D. Fred is the police agent assigned to tail and eventually bust him. To do so, Fred takes on the identity of a drug dealer named Bob Arctor. And since Substance D--which Arctor takes in massive doses--gradually splits the user's brain into two distinct, …

Ubik és una novel·la de ciència-ficció publicada l'any 1969 per l'autor estatunidenc Philip K. Dick. Autor prolífic i llargament conegut per la seva genialitat alhora de plasmar i confrontar als seus protagonistes amb els seus propis temors, construint una teranyina d'universos paral·lels, societats plenament …

The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch is a 1965 dystopian novel by US science fiction writer Philip K. Dick. It was nominated for the Nebula Award for Best Novel in 1965. The novel takes place some time in the 21st century. Under United Nations authority, humankind has colonized every habitable planet and moon in the …

VALIS is a 1981 science fiction novel by Philip K. Dick. The title is an acronym for Vast Active Living Intelligence System, Dick's gnostic vision of one aspect of God. It is the first book in the incomplete VALIS trilogy of novels, followed by The Divine Invasion. The planned third novel, The Owl in Daylight had not …

Flow My Tears, The Policeman Said is a 1974 science fiction novel by Philip K. Dick. The story follows a genetically enhanced pop singer and television star who wakes up in a world where he has never existed. The novel is set in a futuristic dystopia, where the United States has become a police state in the aftermath …

Els androides somien xais elèctrics? és una novel·la curta, que pertany al gènere de la ciència-ficció, escrita en 1968 per Philip K. Dick. La del cinema de ciència-ficció, Blade Runner, dirigit per Ridley Scott el 1982 es basa en aquesta novel·la. Dick va morir aquell mateix any, abans que s'estrenés la pel·lícula. …

Martian Time-Slip is a 1964 science fiction novel by Philip K. Dick. The novel uses the common science fiction concept of a human colony on Mars. However, it also includes the themes of mental illness, the physics of time and the dangers of centralized authority. The novel was first published under the title All We …