《目標》是一本講述限制理論的小說,寫於1984年,作者為高德拉特博士。他藉著小說的手法,向世人說明如何以近乎常識的邏輯推演,解決複雜的管理問題。 該書通過一個故事解釋了高德拉特博士發明的「限制理論」。故事的主人公阿萊克斯 領導一個瀕臨倒閉的工廠,上司已經給定最後三個月的緩期,到時如沒有扭虧為盈工廠就會關閉。阿萊克斯的太太也因為他整天忙於工作無暇顧及家庭而離家出走。在這樣的危機中,阿萊克斯在飛機場偶遇過去的老師Jonah,以蘇格拉底反詰法幫助他思考,打破舊有思維限制,改變現狀,逐漸從谷底爬坡走向成功的道路。故事的結尾皆大歡喜,阿萊克斯因為工廠的成功被嘉獎,太太也被說服回心轉意。 …

Critical Chain is a novel by Dr. Eliyahu Goldratt using the Critical Chain theory of Project Management as the major theme. It is really a teaching method for the theory.

It's Not Luck is a business novel and a sequel to The Goal. The plot continues to follow the advancement of the main character, Alex Rogo, through the corporate ranks of large manufacturer, UniCo. Author Dr. Eliyahu M. Goldratt continues to teach the reader his thinking processes through the eyes of Alex Rogo as he …