Na zapadu ništa novo je roman Eriha Marije Remarka i jedno je od najboljih dela posvećenih ratu. Autor opisuje svoj život na zapadnom frontu u ulozi nemačkog vojnika, tokom Prvog svetskog rata. Roman obiluje realnim prikazima rata, krvi, stradanja, ali je pre svega filozofsko promišljanje situacije u kojoj se svet …

Arch of Triumph is a 1945 novel by Erich Maria Remarque about stateless refugees in Paris before World War II. It was his second worldwide bestseller after All Quiet on the Western Front, written during his exile in the United States. It was made into a feature film in 1948 and remade as a television film in 1985.

The Black Obelisk is a novel written in 1956 by the German author Erich Maria Remarque. This novel paints a portrait of Germany in the early 1920s, a period marked by hyperinflation and rising nationalism. Ludwig, the protagonist, is in his mid twenties; just like most of his friends, he is a World War I veteran. …

Три ратна друга је роман који је написао Ерих Марија Ремарк, објављен је 1936. Написан је у првом лицу, а главни лик је Роберт Локамп, чији је поглед на живот помало разочаравајући због страшних искустава из ровова у Првом свјетском рату, на француско-њемачком фронту. Та искуства дијели са пријатељима, Отом Кестером и …

The Night in Lisbon is a novel by Erich Maria Remarque published in 1962. It revolves around the plight of two German refugees in the opening months of World War II. It is the story of one refugee telling his story to another during the course of a single night in Lisbon. The story he recounts is mainly a romantic …

The Road Back is a novel by German author Erich Maria Remarque. The novel was first serialized in the German newspaper Vossische Zeitung between December 1930 and January 1931, and published in book form in April 1931. It details the experience of young men in Germany who have returned from the trenches of World War I …

Heaven Has No Favorites is a novel by the German writer Erich Maria Remarque. This novel is a story about passion and love with a background of automobile racing. The novel was serialized in the Hamburg magazine Kristall in 1959 under the title Borrowed Life, and first published in book form in 1961.

Spark of Life is a novel by Erich Maria Remarque, which appeared both in German and in English in 1952. The novel is set in the fictional Mellern concentration/labor camp during the Holocaust.

A haunting classic from the author of All Quiet on the Western Front, Shadows in Paradise reveals the deepest scars of the men and women who experienced the Holocaust. After years of hiding and surviving near death in a concentration camp, Ross is finally safe. Now living in New York City among old friends, far from …