How better to learn the Special Theory of Relativity and the General Theory of Relativity than directly from their creator, Albert Einstein himself? In Relativity: The Special and the General Theory, Einstein describes the theories that made him famous, illuminating his case with numerous examples and a smattering of …

The World as I See It is a book by Albert Einstein published in 1949. Composed of assorted articles, addresses, letters, interviews and pronouncements published before 1935, it includes Einstein's opinions on the meaning of life, ethics, science, society, religion, and politics. According to the preface of the first …

Fiziğin Evrimi ya da özgün adıyla The Evolution of Physics: From Early Concept to Relativity and Quanta, Albert Einstein ve Leopold Infeld'in ortaklaşa yazdıkları, 1938 yılında Cambridge University Press tarafından yayımlanan kitaptır. Kitap Türkçe'ye ilk kez Öner Ünalan tarafından İngilizce aslından çevirmiştir ve …

This collection of original papers on the special and general theories of relativity constitutes an indispensable part of a library on relativity. Here are the 11 papers that forged the general and special theories of relativity: seven papers by Einstein, plus two papers by Lorentz and one each by Minkowski and Weyl.