The Agony and the Ecstasy is een biografische roman over Michelangelo Buonarroti, geschreven door de Amerikaanse auteur Irving Stone. Stone woonde jaren in Italië en bezocht daarbij veel historische locaties in Rome en Florence. Hij werkte ook in marmergroeven en bekwaamde zich in de kunst van het beeldhouwen in …

Lust for Life is a biographical novel written by Irving Stone based on the life of the famous Dutch painter, Vincent van Gogh, and his hardships. It was adapted into a film of the same name starring Kirk Douglas, which was nominated for four Academy Awards, winning one. It is Stone's first major publication and is …

The Origin is a biographical novel of the life of Charles Darwin written by Irving Stone. Darwin was a geologist and biologist, and could be considered the father of evolutionary theory. The novel begins with Darwin at the age of 22 and follows him through the Voyage of the Beagle until his death in 1882. Stone took …