This intelligent, literary, and ambitious thriller will take its place alonside The Name of the Rose and Waterland as Umberto Eco's scholarly monk and Graham Swift's history teacher are joined by another unconventional type of 'natural detective,' the literary critic...[Byatt] combines the drive of the thriller with …
The Children's Book is a 2009 novel by British writer A.S. Byatt. It follows the adventures of several inter-related families, adults and children, from 1895 through World War I. Loosely based upon the life of children's writer E. Nesbit there are secrets slowly revealed that show that the families are much more …
In these breathtaking novellas, A.S. Byatt returns to the territory she explored in Possession: the landscape of Victorian England, where science and spiritualism are both popular manias, and domestic decorum coexists with brutality and perversion. Angels and Insects is "delicate and confidently ironic.... Byatt …