In 1995, the Japanese city of Kobe suffered a massive earthquake. Nearly 6,000 people died. after the quake was the imaginative response from Japan's leading novelist, Haruki Murakami: six stories, each dealing not directly with the catastrophe but the wider seismic effect it had on the emotional lives of people many …

From the bestselling author of Kafka on the Shore and The Wind-up Bird Chronicles comes this superb collection of twenty-four stories that generously expresses Murakami’s mastery of the form. From the surreal to the mundane, these stories exhibit his ability to transform the full range of human experience in ways …

What I Talk About When I Talk About Running is a memoir by Haruki Murakami in which he writes about his interest and participation in long-distance running. The book is translated by Philip Gabriel. Murakami started running in the early 1980s and since then has competed in over twenty marathons and an ultramarathon. …

《1Q84》는 무라카미 하루키가 2009년에 발매한 장편 소설이다. 가끔 IQ84로 잘못 읽는 경우가 있는데, 1Q84란 이름은 조지 오웰의 《1984년》과 일본어 발음이 같다. 또한 Q를 소문자로 쓰면 1984처럼 보이기도 한다.

In this haunting work of journalistic investigation, Haruki Murakami tells the story of the horrific terrorist attack on Japanese soil that shook the entire world. On a clear spring day in 1995, five members of a religious cult unleashed poison gas on the Tokyo subway system. In attempt to discover why, Haruki Murakmi …

《색채가 없는 다자키 쓰쿠루와 그가 순례를 떠난 해》는 무라카미 하루키가 2013년에 발매한 장편 소설이다. 한국어판 역시 2013년에 출간되었다. 전작 《1Q84》 이후 3년 만의 장편 소설이다.

Hear the Wind Sing is the first novel by Japanese writer Haruki Murakami. It first appeared in the June 1979 issue of Gunzo, and in book form the next month. The novel was adapted by Japanese director Kazuki Ōmori in a 1981 film distributed by Art Theatre Guild. An English translation by Alfred Birnbaum appeared in …