Życie instrukcja obsługi – powieść Georges'a Pereca, opublikowana w 1978 roku. Utwór opowiada o mieszkańcach dziesięciopiętrowej kamienicy paryskiej. Został skonstruowany przy użyciu zasad kombinatoryki i reguł szachowych oraz nawiązuje do układania puzzli. Inspirację dla powieści stanowił rysunek Saula Steinberga pt. …
W, or the Memory of Childhood, is a semi-autobiographical work of fiction by Georges Perec, published in 1975. Perec's novel consists of alternating chapters of autobiography and of a fictional story, divided into two parts. The autobiographical thread is a collection of uncertain memories, as well as descriptions of …
Georges Perec, author of the highly acclaimed Life: A User's Manual, was only forty-six when he died in 1982. Despite a tragic childhood, during which his mother was deported to Auschwitz, Perec produced some of the most entertaining essays of the age. His literary output was deliberately varied in form and style and …
Thoughts of Sorts, one of Georges Perec's final works, was published posthumously in France in 1985. With this translation, David Bellos, Perec's preeminent translator, has completed the Godine list of Perec's great works translated into English and has provided an introduction to this master of systematic …