Sinuhé l'egipci és un novel·la històrica de Mika Waltari. Va ser publicada per primer cop en finès en 1945, Fins al moment, és l'única novel·la finlandesa que ha estat adaptada com a pel·lícula de Hollywood. En una enquesta realitzada el 2008, els finlandesos el van triar com al seu llibre més estimat. Sinuhé, …

The Etruscan is a novel by Mika Waltari, published in 1956, telling of the adventures of a young man, Turms, which begins approximately in 480 BC. It tells of the spiritual development of Turms, as he adventures from Greece to Sicily, then to Rome and then finally to Tuscany, where he learns of his immortality and his …

The Roman is a fiction novel by Mika Waltari published in 1964. Set in Rome, the book is a sequel to The Secret of the Kingdom, a novel about the early days of Christianity. The protagonist and narrator is Minutus, the son of Marcus, the main character of the previous novel. Minutus is a Roman citizen striving to …