《빈 서판: 인간은 본성을 타고나는가》는 2002년에 출간된 스티븐 핑커의 책이다. 미국에서 오랜 기간 동안 베스트셀러의 자리를 지킨 이 책은 일반적으로 그 기원이 철학자 존 로크에게 있다고 여겨지는 개념 '빈 서판'에 대한 핑커의 반박을 담고 있다. 빈 서판은 '깨끗이 닦아낸 서판'이라는 뜻의 중세 라틴어 '타불라 라사'를 의역한 말이다. 존 로크의 경험주의적 가치관에 의하면, 인간은 출생시엔 아무런 정신적 기제를 가지고 태어나지 않으며, 따라서 출생 이후의 경험에 의해서 그 마음의 내용이 얼마든지 바뀌는 존재이다. 이러한 로크의 주장은 중세 유럽에서 세습적인 …
How the Mind Works is a 1997 book by Canadian-American cognitive scientist Steven Pinker. The book attempts to explain some of the human mind's poorly understood functions and quirks in evolutionary terms. Drawing heavily on the paradigm of evolutionary psychology articulated by John Tooby and Leda Cosmides, Pinker …
Words and Rules: The Ingredients of Language is a 1999 popular linguistics book by Steven Pinker on the subject of regular and irregular verbs.
“If I could give each of you a graduation present, it would be this—the most inspiring book I've ever read."—Bill Gates (May, 2017)Selected by The New York Times Book Review as a Notable Book of the YearThe author of Enlightenment Now and The New York Times bestseller The Stuff of Thought offers a controversial …
The Stuff of Thought is an exhilarating work of non-fiction. Surprising, thought-provoking and incredibly enjoyable, there is no other book like it - Steven Pinker will revolutionise the way you think about language. He analyses what words actually mean and how we use them, and he reveals what this can tell us about …
Bad writing can't be blamed on the Internet, or on 'the kids today'. Good writing has always been hard: a performance requiring pretense, empathy, and a drive for coherence. In The Sense of Style, cognitive scientist and linguist Steven Pinker uses the latest scientific insights to bring us a style and usage guide for …