Knife of Dreams is the 11th novel in the fantasy series The Wheel of Time by American author Robert Jordan. It was published by Tor Books in the U.S. and Orbit in the UK and released on October 11, 2005. Upon its release, it immediately rose to the #1 position on the New York Times hardcover fiction bestseller list, …

Begynnelsen är en roman av Robert Jordan, utgiven 2004. Romanen är den första av tre i en serie som beskriver tiden innan Sagan om Drakens återkomst. Den handlar om tiden precis efter Aielkriget och om när Moiraine Damodred och Siuan Sanche börjar sitt sökande efter Draken återfödd. Den handlar också om al'Lan …

The Gathering Storm är den tolfte boken i serien Sagan om Drakens återkomst och utkom år 2009. Boken ges ut av Tor Books i USA och av Orbit Books i Storbritannien. Seriens ursprunglige författare var den i september år 2007 avlidne Robert Jordan. Efter dennes död kommer serien istället att slutföras av Brandon …

The World of Robert Jordan's The Wheel of Time is a reference book for the bestselling The Wheel of Time epic fantasy series of novels by Robert Jordan. It is published in the United States by Tor Books and in the United Kingdom by Orbit Books. The bulk of the text was written by Teresa Patterson based on notes and …

An American Library Association “Best Books for Young Adults”A VOYA “Best Books for Young Adults”“Jordan has come to dominate the world that Tolkien began to reveal.” —The New York TimesPursued by Trollocs and Myrddraal, Rand and his friends find refuge in the deserted city of Shadar Logoth. But their wandering—and …

Since they were boys, Rand and his friends have heard the tales of the Great Hunt of the Horn. Fabulous tales of hunters and of a legendary horn that can raise the dead heroes of the ages.But no sooner is the horn found then it is stolen.And in order to save Mat's life, Rand must find it.