Com todos os avanços tecnológicos, uma erupção vulcânica ainda é um fenômeno natural sem o menor controle. E, portanto, aterrorizante. Pompéia, de Robert Harris identifica um dos medos mais viscerais do ser humano e o transforma em ficção. Em um romance eletrizante, que arrancou elogios da crítica britânica e chegou …

Pátria / Pátria Amada é um romance policial de autoria do jornalista e escritor britânico Robert Harris, publicado em 1992. Foi traduzido para português e lançado pela editora Bertrand em Portugal, e pela editora Record no Brasil. Foi adaptado em um filme para a televisão.

Imperium is a 2006 novel by English author Robert Harris. It is a fictional biography of Cicero, told through the first-person narrator of his secretary Tiro, beginning with the prosecution of Verres. The book is the first in a trilogy. A sequel, Lustrum, was published in October 2009. The sequel was delayed whilst …

Enigma is a novel by Robert Harris about Tom Jericho, a young mathematician trying to break the Germans' "Enigma" ciphers during World War II. It was adapted to film in 2001. He is stationed in Bletchley Park, the British cryptologist central office, and is worked to the point of exhaustion.

The Ghost is a contemporary political thriller by the best-selling English novelist and journalist Robert Harris. The novel has been adapted into a film, directed by Roman Polanski, which was released in 2010. Polanski and Harris wrote the screenplay together.

Archangel is a novel by Robert Harris set in modern Russia. It was published in 1998, and adapted for television by the BBC in 2005.

Lustrum is a historical novel by British author Robert Harris. It is the sequel to Imperium and the middle volume of a trilogy about the life of Cicero. For its 2010 release in the United States, and Italy, it was retitled Conspirata. The book continues in the format of the first novel, with the story told in the …