《看不見的人》是拉爾夫·艾裏森的小說,於1952年由蘭登書屋出版。小說探究了二十世紀早年非裔美國人所遇到的一些社會、知識問題,包括非裔民族主義、身份問題以及布克·華盛頓所倡導的種族改革政策與個人主義和身份同一性等問題。小說在1953年獲得了美國國家圖書獎。 …

Juneteenth is Ralph Ellison's second novel, published posthumously in 1999 as a 368-page condensation of over 2000 pages written by him over a period of forty years. It was originally written without any real organization, and Ellison's longtime friend, biographer and critic John F. Callahan put the novel together, …

Shadow and Act is a collection of essays by Ralph Ellison, published in 1964. The writings encompass the two decades that began with Ellison's involvement with African-American political activism and print media in Harlem, Ellison's emergence as a highly acclaimed writer with the publication of Invisible Man, and …