Kehto on Arthur C. Clarken ja Gentry Leen kirjoittama tieteisromaani vuodelta 1988. Sen on suomentanut Matti Kannosto ja julkaissut Kirjayhtymä vuonna 1990. Kirjan tapahtumat sijoittuvat Miamin alueelle vuoteen 1994 ja se käsittelee ihmisten ja maanulkopuolisten olentojen kohtaamista. Kirjan maailmassa kuvaillaan …

The Collected Stories of Arthur C. Clarke, first published in 2001, is a collection of almost all science fiction stories written by Arthur C. Clarke: it includes 114 in all arranged in order of publication, "Travel by Wire!" in 1937 through to "Improving the Neighbourhood" in 1999. The story "Improving The …

A selection of what he considers to be his best short stories is presented by this leading science fiction writer

"Earthlight" is a science fiction short story by Arthur C. Clarke first published in the August 1951 issue of Thrilling Wonder Stories. It was later expanded into the novel Earthlight in 1955.

"The Sentinel" is a short story written by Arthur C. Clarke in 1948 and first published in 1951, which was used as a starting point for the novel and movie 2001: A Space Odyssey, where it was modified and fused with other ideas. Clarke expressed impatience with its common description as the story the novel and movie …

The Last Theorem is a 2008 science fiction novel written by Arthur C. Clarke and Frederik Pohl. It was first published in the United Kingdom by HarperVoyager in July 2008, and in the United States by Del Rey Books in August 2008. The book is about a young Sri Lankan mathematician who finds a short proof of Fermat's …

Against the Fall of Night is a science fiction novel by British writer Arthur C. Clarke. Originally appearing as a novella in the November, 1948 issue of the magazine Startling Stories, it was revised and expanded in 1951 and published in book form in 1953 by Gnome Press. It was later expanded and revised again and …

Firstborn is a 2007 novel by Arthur C. Clarke and Stephen Baxter. It is the third book, billed as the conclusion of the A Time Odyssey series.

The Ghost from the Grand Banks is a 1990 science fiction novel written by Arthur C. Clarke. The story deals with two groups, both of whom are attempting to raise one of the halves of the wreck of Titanic from the floor of the Atlantic Ocean in time for the sinking's centennial in 2012. Chapter 7 is an editorial from …