The Dark Half is a horror novel by Stephen King, published in 1989. Publishers Weekly listed The Dark Half as the second best-selling book of 1989 behind Tom Clancy's Clear and Present Danger. It was adapted into a feature film of the same name in 1993. Stephen King wrote several books under a pseudonym, Richard …

An anthology of some twenty short works includes vampire thrillers, ingenious imitations of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle mysteries, a teleplay from Tales of the Darkside, and a nonfiction Little League story, along with King's own reflections on his work. Reissue. (A TNT anthology series, airing Summer 2006, starring Tom …

Çılgınlığın Ötesi; Stephen King'in Haziran 1995 tarihinde Viking Press tarafından ABD'de yayınlanan gerilim romanı. King, bu gerilim romanında önce Rose adlı karakterin hayatının en korkulu dönemini anlatıyor. Rose, çılgınlığa doğru giden kocasından kaçmaktadır. Yazarın, bu romanı gerilim türünün en iyi örnekleri …

Kara Ev, Stephen King ve Peter Straub'un paydaş romanıdır. Jack Sawyer adındaki çocuğun, hasta annesini kurtarmak için bu dünya ile diğer dünya "Diyar" arasında yaptığı seyahati anlatan fantastik roman Tılsım'ın devamıdır. Kara Ev'de Sawyer büyümüş fakat küçükken başından geçenler tamamen hafızasından silinmiştir. …

Four Past Midnight is a collection of novellas by Stephen King. It is his second book of this type, the first one being Different Seasons. The collection won the Bram Stoker Award in 1990 for best collection and was nominated for a Locus Award in 1991. In the introduction, Stephen King says that, while a collection of …

From a Buick 8 is a novel by Stephen King. Published on September 24, 2002, this is the second novel by Stephen King to feature a supernatural car. According to the book sleeve: "From a Buick 8 is a novel about our fascination with deadly things, about our insistence on answers when there are none, about terror and …

The Long Walk is a dystopian novel by Stephen King published under the pseudonym Richard Bachman in 1979 as a paperback original. It was collected in 1985 in the hardcover omnibus The Bachman Books, and has seen several reprints since, as both paperback and hardback. Set in a dystopian present, the plot revolves …

The Regulators is a novel by Stephen King under the pseudonym Richard Bachman. It was published in 1996 at the same time as its "mirror" novel, Desperation. The two novels represent parallel universes relative to one another, and most of the characters present in one novel's world also exist in the other novel's …

This collection of short works is comprised of pieces that previously appeared in such publications as The New Yorker, Playboy, and McSweeney's, in a volume that includes such tales as ""The Gingerbread Girl"" and "N."