الحارس في حقل الشوفان هي رواية للكاتب الأمريكي جيروم ديفيد سالينغر صَدرت عام 1951. كانت الرواية في الاصل موجهة للقراء البالغين، لكنها أصبحت ذات شعبية كبيرة بين القراء المُراهقين بسبب محاورها الرئيسية مثل اليأس والعزلة خلال مرحلة المراهقة. تُرجمت الرواية إلى أغلب لغات العالم، وبلغت مبيعاتها أكثر من 65 مليون نسخة حول …

The author writes: FRANNY came out in The New Yorker in 1955, and was swiftly followed, in 1957 by ZOOEY. Both stories are early, critical entries in a narrative series I'm doing about a family of settlers in twentieth-century New York, the Glasses. It is a long-term project, patently an ambiguous one, and there is a …

A collection of nine exceptional stories from the much-loved author of The Catcher in the RyeAn American soldier has a strange encounter with an orphaned English teenager the night before he leaves for war. A four-year-old boy runs away in a dinghy; a missionary's child is kidnapped by Chinese bandits. A honeymoon in …

'He was a great many things to a great many people while he lived, and virtually all things to his brothers and sisters in our somewhat outsized family. Surely he was all real things to us: our blue-striped unicorn, our double-lensed burning glass, our consultant genius, our portable conscience, our supercargo, and …

Raise High the Roof Beam, Carpenters and Seymour: An Introduction is a single volume featuring two novellas by J. D. Salinger, which were previously published in The New Yorker: Raise High the Roof Beam, Carpenters and Seymour: An Introduction. Little, Brown republished them in this anthology in 1963. It was the first …