image of Joseph Campbell

Joseph Campbell

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Helten med tusen ansikter er bok om komparativ mytologi av amerikaneren Joseph John Campbell, religionshistoriker og forsker på komparative mytologier. Campbell har et omfattende forfatterskap, men Helten med de tusen ansikter

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A brilliant evocation of the noted scholar's teachings on mythology. Joseph Campbell and Bill Moyers offer a brilliant combination of wisdom and wit in conversations that range from modern marriage to virgin births, from saviors to heroes in the Power of Myth--a great summing up of Campbell's works.

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In his first three volumes of the Masks of GodI-IV series Joseph Campbell discusses and explores mythology in a manner most people would be familiar with. However, in Creative Mythology he adds a new dimension. In his introduction he writes: “In the context of traditional mythology, the symbols are presented in …

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The author of such acclaimed books as Hero With a Thousand Faces and The Power of Myth discusses the primitive roots of mythology, examining them in light of the most recent discoveries in archaeology, anthropology, and psychology