Début des années trente, Texas. Rien ne semble avoir bougé depuis la guerre de Sécession. Le Klan domine. Les lynchages demeurent. Harry, treize ans, fils du représentant local de la loi, s'émancipe de ce monde qui le choque en s'isolant dans les marais. Il y croise, dans les méandres endormis, celui que tout le monde …
Mucho Mojo Is a mystery/crime novel by American author Joe R. Lansdale. This is the second in Lansdale's Hap and Leonard series of crime novels.
Bad Chili is a crime mystery novel by American author Joe R. Lansdale. It is the fourth in the series of books featuring Lansdale's longtime protagonists Hap Collins and Leonard Pine. The two characters couldn't be more different; Hap is a white working class laborer who went to prison to protest the Vietnam war, and …
Profitant des vacances, Stanley, treize ans, se balade dans les bois écrasés de chaleur situés derrière le cinéma en plein air que son père vient d'acheter. Les temps sont durs dans ce trou paumé du Texas. Les non-dits et les histoires anciennes pèsent sur la communauté comme des maléfices. Stanley, en déterrant dans …
The Two-Bear Mambo is a suspense\crime novel written by American author Joe R. Lansdale. It is the third book in the Hap and Leonard series of novels by Lansdale.
Savage Season is a crime novel by American writer Joe R. Lansdale, published in 1990. It is the first in a series of books and stories written by Lansdale featuring the characters Hap Collins and Leonard Pine. The novel was nominated for a Bram Stoker Award for Best Novel of 1990.
Captains Outrageous is a suspense/crime novel written by American author Joe R. Lansdale, the sixth novel in the Hap and Leonard series of books.