«Ходя́чий за́мок» — фэнтезийный роман британской писательницы Дианы Уинн Джонс, впервые опубликованный в 1986 году. В 2004 году по мотивам романа студия «Ghibli» выпустила полнометражный анимационный фильм, режиссером которого был Хаяо Миядзаки. У «Ходячего замка» два сиквела: в 1990 году был опубликован «Воздушный …

Young merchant Abdullah leads a humble life. Or he did until a stranger sold him a threadbare—and disagreeable—magic carpet. Now Abdullah is caught in the middle of his grand daydreams. Waking one night in a luxurious garden, he meets and falls instantly in love with the beautiful and clever Flower-in-the-Night. But a …

A bewitching comic fantasy by a master of the supernaturalCat doesn't mind living in the shadow of his sister, Gwendolen, the most promising young witch ever seen on Coven Street. But trouble starts brewing the moment the two orphans are summoned to live in Chrestomanci Castle. Frustrated that the witches of the …

Fire and Hemlock is a modern fantasy by British author Diana Wynne Jones based largely on the Scottish ballads "Tam Lin" and "Thomas the Rhymer." It was first published in 1984 in the United States by Greenwillow Books then in 1985 in Great Britain by Methuen Children's Books It has been republished several times …

The Dark Lord of Derkholm, simply Dark Lord of Derkholm in the United States, is a fantasy novel by the British author Diana Wynne Jones, published autumn 1998 in both the U.K. and the U.S. It won the 1999 Mythopoeic Fantasy Award for Children's Literature. The novel is a parody, for its setting is a mock high fantasy …

Дом ста дорог, «Дом с характером» — третья книга из цикла «Замок», английской писательницы Дианы Уинн Джонс. Книга вышла в 2008 году. В 2009 году она вошла в шорт-лист номинантов на получение «Мифопоэтической премии» в категории «Лучшее произведение для детей и подростков». Рекомендована детям от 12 …

The Tough Guide To Fantasyland is a nonfiction book by the British author Diana Wynne Jones that humorously examines the common tropes of a broad swathe of fantasy fiction. The U.S. Library of Congress calls it a dictionary. Yet it may be called a fictional or parody tourist guidebook. It was first published by Vista …

Someone at Stallery Mansion is changing the world. At first, only small details, but the changes get bigger and bigger. It's up to Conrad, a twelve-year-old with terrible karma who's just joined the mansion's staff, to find out who is behind it.But he's not the only one snooping around. His fellow servant-in-training, …

The childhood of Chrestomanci. Everything in this book happens at least twenty-five years before the story told in Charmed Life! Discovering that he has nine lives and is destined to be the next 'Chrestomanci' is not part of Christopher's plans for the future: he'd much rather play cricket and wander around his secret …