Independent People is an epic novel by Nobel laureate Halldór Laxness, originally published in two volumes in 1934 and 1935; literally the title means "Self-standing [i.e. self-reliant] folk". It deals with the struggle of poor Icelandic farmers in the early 20th century, only freed from debt bondage in the last …

Abandoned as a baby, Alfgrimur is content to spend his days as a fisherman living in the turf cottage outside Reykjavik with the elderly couple he calls grandmother and grandfather. There he shares the mid-loft with a motley bunch of eccentrics and philosophers who find refuge in the simple respect for their fellow …

Dzwon Islandii – historyczna trylogia powieściowa autorstwa islandzkiego laureata Nagrody Nobla Halldóra Laxnessa. Akcja utworu rozgrywa się w XVII/XVIII wieku. W skład trylogii wchodzą następujące części: Dzwon Islandii Jasna dziewczyna Pożar Kopenhagi