"Jane Eyre" on Charlotte Brontë tuntuim romaan. Romaan avaldati aastal 1847 Londonis pseudonüümi Currer Bell all. Eesti keeles on romaan ilmunud aastail 1959, 1981, 2000 ja 2007.

Long overshadowed by "Jane Eyre", "Villette" is widely admired as one of Charlotte Bronte's finest works. This story of a young teacher at a girl's school in the city of Villette is a particular challenge for the young reader for it requires maturity of vision, a fine narrative sense - and a command of French! Mandy …

„Shirley“ on 1849 ilmunud Charlotte Brontë romaan. „Shirley“ oli Brontë teine avaldatud teos pärast 1847 ilmunud „Jane Eyre“'i. Romaani tegevustik kulgeb Põhja-Inglismaal Yorkshire'is tugeva majandussurutise õhkkonnas, põhjuseks Suurbritannia sõda Napoleoniga Pürenee poolsaarel. Prantsusmaa sadamatele on kehtestatud …

"Jane Eyre" on Charlotte Brontë tuntuim romaan. Romaan avaldati aastal 1847 Londonis pseudonüümi Currer Bell all. Eesti keeles on romaan ilmunud aastail 1959, 1981, 2000 ja 2007.

The Professor was the first novel by Charlotte Brontë. It was originally written before Jane Eyre and rejected by many publishing houses, but was eventually published posthumously in 1857 by approval of Arthur Bell Nicholls, who accepted the task of reviewing and editing of the novel.

"Jane Eyre" on Charlotte Brontë tuntuim romaan. Romaan avaldati aastal 1847 Londonis pseudonüümi Currer Bell all. Eesti keeles on romaan ilmunud aastail 1959, 1981, 2000 ja 2007.

JANE EYRE is the classic story of the young girl who falls in love with her dark, dashing and handsome employer, but does he harbour a deep dark secret, a wife she doesn't know about? Are they really meant for each other in the end? WUTHERING HEIGHTS is the passionate and turbulent love-story of two people who cannot …

" READER, I BURIED HIM . " A timeless tale of love, devotion . . . and the undead. Jane Slayre, our plucky demon-slaying heroine, a courageous orphan who spurns the detestable vampyre kin who raised her, sets out on the advice of her ghostly uncle to hone her skills as the fearless slayer she's meant to be. When she …