《乳房》是菲利普·罗斯的一部中篇小说,书中的主角大卫·凯普什变成了155英镑重的乳房。整篇小说中凯普什都在与自己作斗争。一部分的他屈从于肉体欲望,另一部分则想要理性。凯普什是一位文学教授,他将自己的困境与其他一些虚构人物——如卡夫卡《变形记》中的格里高尔·萨姆莎,以及果戈理短篇小说《鼻子》相提并论。整部小说中,他都在讨论当别人触碰他时、他与女友发生性关系时以及独自一人时所感到的各种生理和性的反应。 …
Now in his mid-thirties, Nathan Zuckerman, a would-be recluse despite his newfound fame as a bestselling author, ventures onto the streets of Manhattan in the final year of the turbulent sixties. Not only is he assumed by his fans to be his own fictional satyr, Gilbert Carnovsky, but he also finds himself the target …
When she was still a child, Lucy Nelson had her irresponsible, alcoholic father thrown in jail. Since then, Lucy has become a furious adolescent - raging against middle-class life and provincial American piety - intent on reforming the men around her: especially her incompetent mama's boy of a husband, Roy. As time …
The Professor of Desire is a 1977 novel by Philip Roth. It describes the youth, the college years and the academic career of professor David Kepesh, and beside that, his sexual desires. The book was nominated for the National Book Critics Circle Award.
The Prague Orgy is a novella by Philip Roth. The short book is the epilogue to his trilogy Zuckerman Bound. The story follows Roth's alter ego Nathan Zuckerman, on a journey to Communist Prague in 1976 seeking the unpublished manuscripts of a Yiddish writer. The book, presented as journal entries by Zuckerman, details …
In an astonishing feat of empathy and narrative invention our most ambitious novelist imagines an alternate version of American history In 1940 Charles A Lindbergh heroic aviator and rabid isolationist is elected President Shortly thereafter he negotiates a cordial understanding with Adolf Hitler while the new …
Simon Axler, one of the leading American stage actors of his generation, is now in his sixties and has lost his magic, talent, and assurance. His Falstaff and Peer Gynt and Vanya, all his great roles, “are melted into air, into thin air.” When his wife leaves him, and after a stint at a mental hospital, he retires to …
The Human Stain is a novel by Philip Roth set in late 1990s rural New England. Its first person narrator is 65-year-old author Nathan Zuckerman, who appeared in several earlier Roth novels, and who also figures in both American Pastoral and I Married a Communist, two books that form a loose trilogy with The Human …