《4=71》为一本科幻小说,英文原著书名为《Time for the Stars》,是由硬科幻小说家罗伯特·海莱因于1956年出版的长篇小说;繁体中文版由吴鸿、叶李华翻译,2001年由台湾天下文化出版。 …

Assignment in Eternity, is a collection of four mixed science fiction and fantasy novellas by Robert A. Heinlein, first published in hardcover by Fantasy Press in 1953, with some of the stories somewhat revised from their original magazine publications, as follows: Gulf. Lost Legacy Elsewhen, Jerry Was a Man Heinlein …

Assignment in Eternity, is a collection of four mixed science fiction and fantasy novellas by Robert A. Heinlein, first published in hardcover by Fantasy Press in 1953, with some of the stories somewhat revised from their original magazine publications, as follows: Gulf. Lost Legacy Elsewhen, Jerry Was a Man Heinlein …