Herzog – powieść amerykańskiego pisarza Saula Bellowa, opublikowana w 1964. Jak często w powieściach Bellowa, bohaterem Herzoga jest żydowski intelektualista, w tym wypadku Moses E. Herzog. Ma czterdzieści kilka lat, jest byłym wykładowcą uniwersyteckim. Jego dwa małżeństwa się rozpadły, z każdego ma jedno dziecko. …

The most exuberant and funny of all Bellow’s novels, Henderson the Rain King remained the author’s personal favorite. Its outsized hero, Eugene Henderson, a mountain of a man, a millionaire, the father of many, remains adrift. Aggrieved, worn-out, all but defeated he longs to set things straight. Following the …

Can one man come to terms with his past in one of the greatest short novels ever written? Fading charmer Tommy Wilhelm has reached his day of reckoning and is scared. In his forties, he still retains a boyish impetuousness that has brought him to the brink of chaos: he is separated from his wife and children; at odds …

The Adventures of Augie March is a picaresque novel by Saul Bellow, published in 1953 by Viking Press. It features the eponymous Augie March who grows up during the Great Depression and it is an example of bildungsroman, tracing the development of an individual through a series of encounters, occupations and …

Umysł zamknięty – utwór autorstwa Allana Blooma, wydany w roku 1987, będący krytyką ówczesnej kultury amerykańskiej z konserwatywnego punktu widzenia. Bloom zarzuca społeczeństwu amerykańskiemu relatywizm, pozorny egalitaryzm, niezdolność do budowania prawdziwych hierarchii wartości, płytkość.

A chronicle of success and failure, this work is Bellow's tale of the writer's life in America. When Humboldt dies a failure in a seedy New York hotel, Charlie Citrine coping with the tribulations of his own success, begins to realize the significance of his own life.

Ravelstein – ostatnia powieść Saula Bellowa wydana w 2000, będąca jego literackim testamentem, napisanym w stylu powieści z kluczem. Opowiada o przyjaźni dwóch profesorów uniwersyteckich. Akcja powieści rozgrywa się w mieście Chicago.

Mr. Sammler's Planet is a 1970 novel by the American author Saul Bellow. It won the National Book Award for Fiction in 1971.

An essential masterwork by Nobel laureate Saul Bellow—now with an introduction by J. M. CoetzeeExpecting to be inducted into the army to fight in World War II, Joseph has given up his job and carefully prepared for his departure to the battlefront. When a series of mix-ups delays his induction, he finds himself facing …

Kenneth Trachtenberg, an eccentric and witty native of Paris, travels to the Midwest to spend time with his famous American uncle, a world-renowned botanist and self-described ""plant visionary."" After numerous affairs and failed relationships, the restless Uncle Benn seeks a settled existence in the form of …