The Feast of the Goat is a novel by the Peruvian Nobel Prize in Literature laureate Mario Vargas Llosa. The book is set in the Dominican Republic and portrays the assassination of Dominican dictator Rafael Trujillo, and its aftermath, from two distinct standpoints a generation apart: during and immediately after the …

《坏女孩的恶作剧》是秘鲁作家马里奥·巴尔加斯·略萨的一部小说,2006年出版。2010年人民文学出版社在中国大陆出版了尹承东的译本。Journalist Kathryn Harrison称这部小说是改写自福楼拜的经典小说《包法利夫人》。略萨本人则称,该书是为了讨论一种“脱离浪漫主义神话的爱情”。 …

Mario Vargas Llosa's brilliant, multilayered novel is set in the Lima, Peru, of the author's youth, where a young student named Marito is toiling away in the news department of a local radio station. His young life is disrupted by two arrivals.The first is his aunt Julia, recently divorced and thirteen years older, …

In nineteenth-century Brazil, just after the establishment of the Republic, an apocalyptic movement led by a mysterious prophet establishes another republic of prostitutes, bandits, and beggars, who reject every aspect of the modern state

《城市与狗》是秘鲁、西班牙双重国籍作家马里奥·巴尔加斯·略萨的成名作,被认为是标志拉丁美洲文学爆炸时期展开的4部里程碑小说其中的1部,与巴尔加斯·略萨的许多其他作品同样在作者祖国秘鲁的威权时代里被禁毁,出版不久,当时的军政府就在作者母校莱昂西奥·普拉多军事学校里烧掉1500本这书的秘鲁版。 …

Death in the Andes is a 1993 novel by the Nobel Prize-winning Peruvian author Mario Vargas Llosa. It follows the character Lituma, from Who Killed Palomino Molero?, after being transferred to the rural town of Naccos.

The Storyteller is a novel by Peruvian author and Literature Nobel Prize winner Mario Vargas Llosa. The story tells of Saúl Zuratas, a university student who leaves civilization and becomes a "storyteller" for the Machiguenga native Americans. The novel thematizes the Westernization of indigenous peoples through …

Captain Pantoja and the Special Service is a relatively short comedic novel by acclaimed Peruvian writer Mario Vargas Llosa. The story takes place in the Peruvian department of Amazonas, where troops from the Peruvian Army are attended to by sex workers, referred to euphemistically in the Spanish term visitadora, …

In Praise of the Stepmother is an erotic novel by Peruvian writer Mario Vargas Llosa, winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature in 2010. Published in 1988, it is about a sexually open couple whose fantasies lead them to the edge of morality.

Don Rigoberto - insurance executive by day, pornographer and sexual enthusiast by night - misses his estranged second wife. As he compensates for her absence by filling notebooks with a steamy mix of memory and sexual fantasy, readers are drawn into his confusion between imagination and reality.