image of George Orwell

George Orwell

* June 25, 1903 - † January 21, 1950 in United Kingdom
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La figlia del reverendo è un romanzo del 1935 di George Orwell. Il libro narra la storia di Dorothy Hare, la figlia di un tirannico pastore, educata nell'ottusa obbedienza, viene colta da un attacco di amnesia. L'autore non ne fu mai soddisfatto e diede disposizione di non ristampare il libro dopo la sua morte.

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Critical Essays is a collection of wartime pieces by George Orwell. It covers a variety of topics in English literature, and also includes some pioneering studies of popular culture. It was acclaimed by critics, and Orwell himself thought it one of his most important books.

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Contains the complete novels of George Orwell: Animal Farm, Burmese Days, A Clergyman's Daughter, Coming up for Air, Keep the Aspidistra Flying and Nineteen Eighty-Four.Includes explanatory notes on the etymology of the language 'Newspeak'.

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Shooting an Elephant: and other essays is a book by George Orwell.

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Inside the Whale and Other Essays is a book of essays written by George Orwell in 1940. It includes the eponymous essay Inside the Whale.

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