L'illusione di Dawkins è un'opera del biofisico e teologo britannico Alister McGrath, professore di Teologia presso il King's College London e direttore del Centre for Theology, Religion and Culture. Scritto in collaborazione con la moglie, la psicologa Johanna Collicutt McGrath, il libro è stato pubblicato in …

The Twilight of Atheism: The Rise and Fall of Disbelief in the Modern World is a book by Christian theologian and apologist Alister McGrath which traces the perceived decline of secular thought over the last two centuries. McGrath states that the book is an expanded form of a speech he gave at a debate in February …

Dawkins' God: Genes, Memes, and the Meaning of Life is a book by Alister McGrath, a theologian who is currently Professor of Historical Theology at Oxford University. The book, published in 2004, aims to refute claims about religion made by another well-known professor at Oxford, Richard Dawkins. McGrath's book does …