image of Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

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The final, deeply-felt summing-up of the author's experience and his philosophy of life. Choosing a desert prince as his protagonist and narrator, he presents the timeless problems of humanity against the austere background of the wilderness. The book abounds in vivid pictures of desert life, forays and sandstorms, …

... Unknown

Courrier sud, translated as Southern Mail and Southern Carrier, is the first novel by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, published in 1929. Encouraged by the publication of his short story The Aviator, Saint-Exupéry followed up with this work based on his pioneering flights for the French airmail service. A beautifully …

... Unknown

El Petit Príncep és l'obra més coneguda d'Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. Publicat el 1943 a Nova York, és un conte poètic i filosòfic sota l'aparença d'un conte per a nens. La història narra la trobada entre un nen i un aviador, els diàlegs que tenen i com aquests fan replantejar la vida a l'adult. El llibre està …

... Unknown