خداحافظ برلین، یکی از معروفترین رمانهای کریستوفر ایشروود، نویسنده انگلیسی است که در سال ۱۹۳۹، زمانیکه او در برلین اقامت داشت، نوشت. او با کتاب خداحافظ برلین نهتنها بیدرنگ خود را در صف اول داستاننویسان معاصر قرار داد، بلکه برلین پیش از ظهور هیتلر را همچون مأمن خاص خویش، به تصویر …
The Memorial is a 1932 English novel by author Christopher Isherwood. The novel tells the story of an English family's disintegration in the days following World War I. Isherwood's second published novel, this is the first of his works for which he adapted his own life experiences into his fiction.
Christopher Isherwood writes another quasi-fictional account of love, loss, and regret in 'The World in the Evening'. As in many Isherwood novels, the main character is caught in a contest between his personal egoism and the needs of friends and lovers. This novel has also been praised for its narrator's definitions …