A Child Across the Sky is a novel by the American writer Jonathan Carroll, published in 1990. It tells the story of two friends in Hollywood and the mysterious death of one of them.
From the Teeth of Angels is a novel by the American writer Jonathan Carroll, first published in 1994. It tells the story of three interconnected fates. The question of death is being discussed in this novel.
Glass Soup is a surreal fiction novel written by the American writer Jonathan Carroll, first published in 2006. It tells the story of a group of people who live in Vienna. They find out that they are caught in a battle of Gods and Chaos. This fiction consists many elements of Judeo-Christian mythology and popular …
Kissing the Beehive is a fantasy novel by Jonathan Carroll, published by Nan A. Talese/Doubleday in late December 1997. When the novel was published in Great Britain the following year, Carroll added a three-page epilogue at the request of its publisher, Victor Gollancz. It is the first novel of his Crane's View …