image of Jonathan Swift

Jonathan Swift

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A satirical narrative by Jonathan Swift, Gulliver's Travels (1726) has retained its popularity with children and adults alike for two and a half centuries for its inventiveness, wit, narrative strength, and a certain kind of grim humour. The four parts of the narrative describe the adventures of Gulliver, the ship's …

... Unknown

Dingęs pasaulis, arba Paslaptingoji šalis – Artūro Konan Doilio 1912 m. parašytas mokslinės fantastikos romanas. Susidomėjęs Pietų Amerikos tyrinėtojo Robert Schomburgk kelionių ataskaitomis apie milžiniškus Venesuelos džiunglėse stūksančius plokščiakalnius, 1912 m. Konan Dolis parašė kūrinį „Dingęs pasaulis“. …

... Unknown

Travels into Several Remote Nations of the World. In Four Parts. By Lemuel Gulliver, First a Surgeon, and then a Captain of Several Ships, commonly known as Gulliver's Travels, is a prose satire by Anglo-Irish writer and clergyman Jonathan Swift, that is both a satire on human nature and a parody of the "travellers' …

... Unknown

A Tale of a Tub was the first major work written by Jonathan Swift. It is arguably his most difficult satire, and perhaps his most masterly. The Tale is a prose parody which is divided into sections of "digression" and a "tale" of three brothers, each representing one of the main branches of western Christianity. …

... Unknown

Travels into Several Remote Nations of the World. In Four Parts. By Lemuel Gulliver, First a Surgeon, and then a Captain of Several Ships, commonly known as Gulliver's Travels, is a prose satire by Anglo-Irish writer and clergyman Jonathan Swift, that is both a satire on human nature and a parody of the "travellers' …