《천로 역정》은 17세기 영국의 작가이자 침례교 설교가인 존 번연의 작품 중 하나이다. 등장인물의 이름을 수다장이, 게으름, 허영, 그리스도인 등으로 짓는 우화 형식의 종교 소설이다. 그리스도인이 멸망을 앞둔 장망성을 떠나서 하늘나라를 향하여 여행하는 내용의 이야기로 구성되어 있다. 총 2부로 구성으로 구성되어 있다. 이 책의 제1부는 주인공이 멸망에서 구제되어 하늘나라에 이르기까지의 고난을 주제로 하고 있는데, 저자의 생전에 이미 11판까지 나왔고 판마다 각각 1만 부씩이나 인쇄되었다. 이 부수는 당시로서는 엄청난 …
Grace Abounding to the Chief of Sinners, or The Brief Relation of the Exceeding Mercy of God in Christ to his Poor Servant John Bunyan is a Puritan spiritual autobiography written by John Bunyan. It was written while Bunyan was serving a twelve-year prison sentence in Bedford gaol for preaching without a license and …
The Holy War Made by King Shaddai Upon Diabolus, to Regain the Metropolis of the World, Or, The Losing and Taking Again of the Town of Mansoul is a 1682 novel by John Bunyan. This novel, written in the form of an allegory, tells the story of the town "Mansoul". Though this town is perfect and bears the image of …
Grace Abounding to the Chief of Sinners, or The Brief Relation of the Exceeding Mercy of God in Christ to his Poor Servant John Bunyan is a Puritan spiritual autobiography written by John Bunyan. It was written while Bunyan was serving a twelve-year prison sentence in Bedford gaol for preaching without a license and …
With spiritual sensitivity and in a meticulous manner, Bunyan carefully unveils the splendor and attraction of a heart that has been broken by the Lord.-Tommy TenneyFrom whence came the author's skill? He learned it of the God of Jacob; he learned it of the Holy Ghost; for the Holy Ghost is the great counselor who …