Magic and murder engulf the realm of Kelewan. Fierce warlords ignite a bitter blood feud to enslave the empire of Tsuranuanni. While in the opulent Imperial courts, assassins and spy-master plot cunning and devious intrigues against the rightful heir. Now Mara, a young, untested Ruling lady, is called upon to lead her …

Honoured Enemy is a fantasy novel by Raymond E. Feist and William R. Forstchen. Honoured Enemy is the first book written in the Legends of the Riftwar and is the only one of the series to be coauthored by William R. Forstchen. The story is set in the fantasy world of Midkemia, which is the world used for the majority …

The dread plot to destroy the Empire of Great Kesh has failed. The Conclave of Shadows has ended the murderous Nighthawk brotherhood's horrific reign of terror and death. But the mad sorcerer, Leso Varen, has fled, taking refuge among the most powerful men and women on Kelewan—a world now threatened, along with …

Magikerns lärling är del 1 i Raymond E. Feists fantasybokserie Kriget om Rämnan. Den är utgiven på svenska 2002 av Wahlströms bokförlag och översatt av Martin Olsson. I den svenska utgåvan är den delad i tre delar: Magikerns lärling, Mellan två världar och Magins mästare. Den som har gjort omslaget till den svenska …