《一九八四》,是英國作家喬治·歐威爾創作的一部政治諷刺小說,小說創作於1948年,出版於1949年。書中講述了一個令人感到窒息和恐怖的,以追逐權力為最終目標的假想的未來極權主義社會,通過對這個社會中一個普通人溫斯頓·史密斯的生活描寫,投射出了現實生活中極權主義的本質。它與1932年英國赫胥黎著作的《美麗新世界》,以及俄國葉夫根尼·薩米爾欽的《我們》併稱反烏托邦的三部代表作,通常也被認為是政治小說文學的代表作。 …

《动物庄园》,也译《动物农场》、《动物农庄》、《一脸猪相》,英国著名作家乔治·奥威尔的一部反乌托邦寓言小说。故事描述了在英格兰的一个庄园内,一场“动物主义”革命的酝酿、兴起和最终蜕变。在乔治·奥威尔写给伊冯·达韦的信中,他自己提到这部小说实际上是反对斯大林的。1945年首次岀版英文版,目前有多个中文译本。 …

巴黎伦敦落魄记是英国作家乔治·欧威尔首部长篇作品,于1933年出版。此书有两部份,分别围绕两个城市的贫穷地区。第一部份是关于巴黎基层的生活,以及作者在当地餐厅的厨房中当临时工的经历。第二部份则是作者以流浪汉的身份,于伦敦附近探索流浪汉足迹的经历,作者描述了当时的恶劣的住宿环境,还有其他生活在贫穷边缘的人。 …

"I wonder what is the appropriate first action when you come from a country at war and set foot on peaceful soil. Mine was to rush to the tobacco-kiosk and buy as many cigars and cigarettes as I could stuff into my pockets." Most war correspondents observe wars and then tell stories about the battles, the soldiers and …

Burmese Days is a novel by British writer George Orwell. It was first published in the UK in 1934. It is a tale from the waning days of British colonialism, when Burma was ruled from Delhi as a part of British India – "a portrait of the dark side of the British Raj." At its centre is John Flory, "the lone and lacking …

The Road to Wigan Pier is a book by the British writer George Orwell, first published in 1937. The first half of this work documents his sociological investigations of the bleak living conditions among the working class in Lancashire and Yorkshire in the industrial north of England before World War II. The second half …

Gordon Comstock loathes dull, middle-class respectability and worship of money. He gives up a 'good job' in advertising to work part-time in a bookshop, giving him more time to write. But he slides instead into a self-induced poverty that destroys his creativity and his spirit. Only Rosemary, ever-faithful Rosemary, …

George Bowling, the hero of this comic novel, is a middle-aged insurance salesman who lives in an average English suburban row house with a wife and two children. One day, after winning some money from a bet, he goes back to the village where he grew up, to fish for carp in a pool he remembers from thirty years …

"Why I Write" is an essay by George Orwell detailing his personal journey to becoming a writer. It was first published in the Summer 1946 edition of Gangrel. The editors of this magazine, J.B.Pick and Charles Neil, had asked a selection of writers to explain why they wrote. The essay offers a type of …