image of 스티븐 제이 굴드

스티븐 제이 굴드

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Full House: The Spread of Excellence from Plato to Darwin is a 1996 book by evolutionary biologist Stephen Jay Gould. It was released in the UK as Life's Grandeur, with the same subtitle and with an additional 8-page introduction entitled "A Baseball Primer for British Readers".

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"[An] extraordinary book. . . . Mr. Gould is an exceptional combination of scientist and science writer. . . . He is thus exceptionally well placed to tell these stories, and he tells them with fervor and intelligence."―James Gleick, New York Times Book Review High in the Canadian Rockies is a small limestone quarry …

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Triumph and Tragedy in Mudville: A Lifelong Passion for Baseball is a book by Stephen Jay Gould.

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Time's Arrow, Time's Cycle is a 1987 history of geology by Stephen Jay Gould offering a historical account of the conceptualization of Deep Time and uniformitarianism using the works of Thomas Burnet, James Hutton, and Charles Lyell.

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The individual in Darwinʼs world is a book by Stephen Jay Gould.

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The Structure of Evolutionary Theory is a technical book on macroevolutionary theory by Harvard paleontologist Stephen Jay Gould, published only two months before his death. The volume is divided into two parts. The first is a historical study and exegesis of classical evolutionary thought, drawing extensively upon …