Rött och svart, Le Rouge et le Noir, är en historisk och psykologisk roman av Henri Beyle Stendhal från år 1830. 2012 genomförde Radioteatern på Sveriges Radio en uppsättning av Rött och svart i regi av Jonas Cornell. I rollerna fanns bland annat: Adam Pålsson - Julien Livia Millhagen - Madame de Rênal Josefin …

Kartusianklostret i Parma eller Kartusianerklostret i Parma är en roman av Stendhal från 1839. Berättelsen utspelar sig framförallt i Parma och på ett slott vid Comosjön, men även på andra platser i Europa. Bland annat innehåller boken en berömd sekvens som beskriver slaget vid Waterloo. Romanen är ett tidigt exempel …

Vie de Henri Brulard is an unfinished autobiography by Stendhal. It was begun on November 23, 1835 and abandoned March 26, 1836 while the author was serving as the French Consul in Civitavecchia. Stendhal had severe doubts about contemporary interest in his autobiography, so he bequeathed it to the reader of 1880, or …

Armance is a romance novel set during the Bourbon Restoration by Stendhal, published anonymously in 1827. It was Stendhal's first novel, though he had published essays and critical works on literature, art, and travel since 1815.

Lucien Leuwen is the second major novel written by French author Stendhal in 1834, following The Red and the Black. It remained unfinished due to the political culture of the July Monarchy in the 1830s and Stendhal's fears of losing his government position by offending the administration. It was published posthumously …