Skrekkens sirkus er den første romanen i Sagaen om Darren Shan av forfatteren Darren Shan. Den er en del av serien Vampyrblod, som består av 3 bøker, Skrekkens sirkus, Vampyrens assistent, Tunneler av blod . Boka ble første gang publisert i Storbritannia av HarperCollins i 2000, og ble senere publisert i Vampire …

Tunnels of Blood is the third novel of twelve in the The Saga of Darren Shan by Darren Shan.

Lord Loss is the first novel in the Demonata series written by best-selling teenage horror author Darren Shan. It was originally published in the UK on 6 June 2005. Soon after, it appeared in Japan and America, where Shan's previous series, The Saga of Darren Shan, had sold millions. The novel is set in Ireland and is …

Dødsprøvene er den femte boken i sagaen om Darren Shan. Boka er skrevet av forfatteren Darren Shan.

Vampyrprinsen er den sjette boken i sagaen om Darren Shan. Boka er skrevet av forfatteren Darren Shan.

Allies of the Night is the eighth book of The Saga of Darren Shan by Darren Shan. It is part of the Vampire War Trilogy, which comprises three books: Hunters of the Dusk, Allies of the Night and Killers of the Dawn. Allies of the Night was first published in Great Britain by HarperCollins in 2002. It was then …

Killers of the Dawn is the ninth book in The Saga of Darren Shan by Darren Shan. It is also the third book in the Vampire War trilogy. It also continues the events of Allies of the Night which leaves Darren meeting his ex-girlfriend, Debbie and his ex-bestfriend, Steve Leonard, who is later revealed to be a half …