image of 安东尼·伯吉斯


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The Enemy in the Blanket is the second novel in Anthony Burgess's Malayan Trilogy The Long Day Wanes. The title is a literal translation of the Malay idiom "musuh dalam selimut", which means to be betrayed by an intimate, alluding to the struggles of marriage but also other betrayals in the story. The novel charts the …

... Unknown

《發條橘子》是1962年由安東尼·伯吉斯所著的反烏托邦中篇小說。發條橘子在1998年美國現代圖書館的20世紀百大英文小說中,在編輯排名中排第65位,讀者票選則排第55位。2005年又被時代雜誌選為百大英文小說。2008年入選為普羅米修斯獎的名人堂。 …

... Unknown
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Time for a Tiger is part one of Anthony Burgess's Malayan Trilogy The Long Day Wanes, "the first panel of a triptych" set in the twilight of British rule of the peninsula. Dedicated, in Jawi script on the first page of the book, "to all my Malayan friends", it was Burgess's first published work of fiction and appeared …

... Unknown

Beds in the East is the third novel in Anthony Burgess's Malayan Trilogy The Long Day Wanes. It was published in 1959. The title is taken from a line spoken by Mark Antony in Antony and Cleopatra, act 2, scene 6: "The beds i' the east are soft; and thanks to you,/That call'd me timelier than my purpose hither;/For I …