O americano tranquilo é um romance do escritor britânico Graham Greene. O livro foi adaptado para o cinema em 1958 e em 2002. Sua história se passa na Indochina, durante a guerra anticolonialista contra a França.

The End of the Affair is a novel by British author Graham Greene, as well as the title of two feature films that were adapted from the novel. Set in London during and just after the Second World War, the novel examines the obsessions, jealousy and discernments within the relationships between three central characters: …

This title includes a reading guide. During a vicious persecution of the clergy in Mexico, a worldly priest, the 'whisky priest', is on the run. With the police closing in, his routes of escape are being shut off, his chances getting fewer. But compassion and humanity force him along the road to his destiny, reluctant …

Nosso homem em Havana ou O Nosso Agente em Havana é um romance do escritor inglês Graham Greene publicado em 1958. Foi adaptado ao cinema no ano seguinte, no filme com o mesmo título, dirigido por Carol Reed e protagonizado por Alec Guinness e Maureen O'Hara, entre outros. O livro conta a história de Jim Wormold, um …

Brighton Rock is a novel by Graham Greene, published in 1938 and later adapted for film in 1947 and 2010. The novel is a murder thriller set in 1930s Brighton. The title refers to a confectionery traditionally sold at seaside resorts and is used as a metaphor for human character. There are links between this novel and …

Scobie is a principled police officer in a war-torn West African state. When he is passed over for promotion he is forced to borrow money to send his despairing wife away on a holiday. In her absence he falls in love with Helen and his life is transformed by the experience.

Travels with My Aunt is a novel written by English author Graham Greene. The novel follows the travels of Henry Pulling, a retired bank manager, and his eccentric Aunt Augusta as they find their way across Europe, and eventually even further afield. Aunt Augusta pulls Henry away from his quiet suburban existence into …

The Comedians is a novel by Graham Greene. Set in Haiti under the rule of François "Papa Doc" Duvalier and his secret police, the Tonton Macoute, the novel explores the political suppression and terrorism through the figure of an English hotel owner, Brown. The story begins as three men: Brown, Smith, an "innocent" …

O fator humano é um romance de espionagem escrito pelo autor inglês Graham Greene, publicado em 1978 e adaptado para o cinema em 1979.

O terceiro homem é soberbamente ambientado na Viena pós-Segunda Guerra Mundial, dividida e governada por quatro potências estrangeiras: Rússia, Inglaterra, França e Estados Unidos. Rollo Martins, um romancista de segunda linha, chega à cidade sem um centavo sequer, para visitar Harry Lime, seu inescrupuloso amigo de …