As a scientist, Albert Einstein is undoubtedly the most epic among 20th-century thinkers. Albert Einstein as a man, however, has been a much harder portrait to paint, and what we know of him as a husband, father, and friend is fragmentary at best. With Einstein: His Life and Universe, Walter Isaacson (author of the …
『スティーブ・ジョブズ』は、スティーブ・ジョブズに関する伝記である。かつてCNNのCEOやタイム誌の編集長を務めていて、ベンジャミン・フランクリンやアルベルト・アインシュタインの最も売れた伝記を著した実績のあるウォルター・アイザックソンがジョブズの要請により著作した。 …
Following his blockbuster biography of Steve Jobs, The Innovators is Walter Isaacson’s revealing story of the people who created the computer and the Internet. It is destined to be the standard history of the digital revolution and an indispensable guide to how innovation really happens.What were the talents that …