image of Margaret Astrid Lindholm Ogden

Margaret Astrid Lindholm Ogden

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Ucenicul asasinului este prima carte din trilogia Farseer scrisă de Robin Hobb. A fost prima carte scrisă sub acest pseudonim, titlul inițial fiind Chivalry’s Bastard. Povestea personajelor din trilogia Farseer continuă în trilogia Tawny Man. În același univers se petrece și acțiunea altei trilogii, The Liveship …

... Unknown

Asasinul regal este un roman fantasy scris de Robin Hobb, fiind a doua carte din trilogia Farseer.

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Răzbunarea asasinului este o carte scrisă de Robin Hobb, a treia din trilogia Farseer.

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Misiunea Bufonului este o carte de Robin Hobb, prima din trilogia Omul arămiu. Acțiunea ei începe la 15 ani după evenimentele relatate în Răzbunarea asasinului, perioadă acoperită de trilogia The Liveship Traders.

... Unknown

Ship of Magic is a 1998 fantasy novel by Robin Hobb, the first in her Liveship Traders Trilogy.

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The Golden Fool is a book by Robin Hobb, the second in her Tawny Man Trilogy. It was published in 2002.

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Fool's Fate is a book by Robin Hobb, the third in her Tawny Man Trilogy. It was published in 2003.

... Unknown

The Mad Ship is a book by Robin Hobb, the second in her Liveship Traders Trilogy. It appeared in the USA as simply Mad Ship.

... Unknown

Ship of Destiny is a book by Robin Hobb, the third and last in her Liveship Traders Trilogy.

... Unknown

Shaman's Crossing is a book by Robin Hobb, the first in her Soldier Son Trilogy. It is written in first-person narrative from the viewpoint of Nevare Burvelle and follows his life through his first year in the King's Cavalla Academy.