image of Suzanne Collins

Suzanne Collins

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Read all five books in the New York Times bestselling Gregor: The Underland Chronicles! When Gregor follows his little sister through a grate in the laundry room of their New York apartment building, he hurtles into the dark Underland beneath the city. There, humans live uneasily beside giant spiders, bats, …

... Unknown

Els jocs de la fam és una novel·la de ciència-ficció juvenil, escrita per l'autora estatunidenca Suzanne Collins. La protagonista de setze anys, Katniss Everdeen, viu en el país postapocalíptic i distòpic de Panem, on el Capitoli, una metròpoli molt avançada, ha pres el poder de la nació després de diversos desastres …

... Unknown

En Flames, és el segon llibre de la Trilogia dels Jocs de la Fam, escrit per Suzanne Collins. Als Estats Units va sortir a la venda el 2009, l'edició catalana és de 2010. Continua amb la història de la Katniss Everdeen, en el país de Panem, una futura Àmerica destruïda i dividida en 12 districtes, manats pel Capitoli. …

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Everyone in the Underland has been taking great pains to keep The Prophecy of Time from Gregor. Now, with an army of rats approaching, and his mum and sister still in Regalia, Gregor the warrior must gather up his courage to help defend Regalia and get his family home safely.

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It's only a few months since Gregor and Boots returned from the Underland, leaving their mother behind to heal from the plague. Though Gregor's family receives frequent updates on her condition, they all know Gregor must return to fulfill his role as the warrior who is key to the Underlanders' survival.

... Unknown

Spies have reported the sighting of a Rat King in the Underland, a character who has been legendary since the Middle Ages. Recognizable by its tremendous size and snow-white coat, the Rat King is destined to bring a World War to the Underland.

... Unknown

When Gregor falls through a grate in the laundry room of his apartment building, he hurtles into the dark Underland, where spiders, rats, cockroaches coexist uneasily with humans. This world is on the brink of war, and Gregor's arrival is no accident. A prophecy foretells that Gregor has a role to play in the …