image of Duglass Adamss

Duglass Adamss

... Unknown

"Galaktikas ceļvedis stopētājiem" ir zinātniskās fantastikas komēdiju sērija, kuru sarakstīja Duglass Adamss. Sākotnēji tas bija radioraidījums, kuru pārraidīja BBC Radio 4 no 1978. gada, bet vēlāk tas tika adaptēts citiem formātiem un dažu gadu laikā tapa par starptautisku multimēdiju fenomenu. Tātad vēl bez …

... Unknown
... Unknown

Panic! It's the last installment of The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, with a brand new full-cast dramatization of Mostly Harmless, the final book in Douglas Adams' famous "trilogy in five parts." While frequent flyer Arthur Dent searches the universe for his lost love, Ford Prefect discovers a disturbing blast …

... Unknown

Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency is a humorous detective novel by Douglas Adams, first published in 1987. It is described by the author on its cover as a "thumping good detective-ghost-horror-who dunnit-time travel-romantic-musical-comedy-epic". The book was followed by a sequel, The Long Dark Tea-Time of the …