image of Albert Camus

Albert Camus

... Unknown

Stranac je djelo francuskog književnika i filozofa Alberta Camusa. Izdan 1942. godine jedan je od najznačajnijih romana francuske književnosti dvadesetog stoljeća i jedan od najboljih literarnih prikaza apsurda ljudske egzistencije granom filozofije kojom se Camus bavio.

... Unknown

Kuga je roman francuskog književnika i filozofa Alberta Camusa iz 1947. Roman je kronika koja opisuje fiktivnu epidemiju kuge što je 40-ih godina 20. stoljeća zahvatila Oran. Pisan je u trećem licu iako ga zapravo piše jedan od sudionika zbivanja, doktor Bernard Rieux, pri čemu se koristi i bilješkama drugog važnog …

... Unknown

A philosophical novel described by fellow existentialist Sartre as 'perhaps the most beautiful and the least understood' of his novels, Albert Camus' The Fall is translated by Robin Buss in Penguin Modern Classics. Jean-Baptiste Clamence is a soul in turmoil. Over several drunken nights in an Amsterdam bar, he …

... Unknown

Mit o Sizifu je knjiga filozofskih eseja francuskog egzistencijalističkog filozofa Alberta Camusa. Djelo je prvi put objavljeno 1942.

... Unknown

By one of the most profoundly influential thinkers of our century, The Rebel is a classic essay on revolution. For Albert Camus, the urge to revolt is one of the "essential dimensions" of human nature, manifested in man's timeless Promethean struggle against the conditions of his existence, as well as the popular …

... Unknown

The First Man is Albert Camus' unfinished final novel. On January 4, 1960, at the age of forty-six, Camus was killed in a car accident in the Luberon area in southern France. The incomplete manuscript of The First Man, the autobiographical novel Camus was working on at the time of his death, was found in the mud at …

... Unknown

Resistance, Rebellion, and Death is a 1960 collection of essays written by Albert Camus and selected by the author prior to his death. The essays here generally involve conflicts near the Mediterranean, with an emphasis on his home country Algeria, and on the Algerian War of Independence in particular. He also …

... Unknown

The Just Assassins is a 1949 play by French writer and philosopher Albert Camus. The play is based on the true story of a group of Russian Socialist-Revolutionaries who assassinated the Grand Duke Sergei Alexandrovich in 1905, and explores the moral issues associated with murder and terrorism. In the play, all but one …