I Shall Not Be Moved is author and poet Maya Angelou's fifth collection of poetry, published by Random House in 1990. Angelou had written four autobiographies and published four other volumes of poetry up to that point. Angelou considered herself a poet and a playwright and her poetry has also been successful, but she …

Just Give Me a Cool Drink of Water 'fore I Diiie is the first collection of poems by African-American writer and poet, Maya Angelou. Many of the poems in Diiie were originally song lyrics, written during Angelou's career as a night club performer, and recorded on two albums before the publication of Angelou's first …

Celebrations, Rituals of Peace and Prayer is a collection of poetry by African-American writer and poet Maya Angelou, published by Random House in 2006. The volume contains 12 poems, five of which were previously published. Critic Richard Long called two of the previously-published poems, "On the Pulse of Morning" and …