ICERIK TANITIMI Pennac'in kitaplarinda anlatilanlar bugünün dünyasinin kücük bir modeli gibi. Yazar cocuklarin, yaslilarin, Araplar'in, yoksullarin ve Afrikalilar'in, kendilerine sorulmadan icine atildiklari bu dünyadan cikarak baska bir hayat aramalarini anlatiyor, üstelik kahramanlarinin her seye ragmen süren …

Aile Cephesi:Annem yine veletlerini birakip gitmis, ufaklik ruyalarinda hala Noel Gulyabanileri goruyor. Gonul Cephesi: Julia Teyze gunah kecisi tabiatimin cazibesine kapilmis. Maiset Cephesi:Ilk bomba oyuncak reyonunda patladi, ben gectikten yalnizca bes dakika sonra. Ikincisi, on bes gun sonra, gozlerimin onunde. …

"Kitap Okurunun Haklari Okumama hakki. Sayfa atlama hakki. Bir kitabi bitirmeme hakki. Tekrar okuma hakki. Caninin istedigini okuma hakki. "Bovarizm" hakki. Caninin istedigi yerde okuma hakki. Coplenme hakki. Yuksek sesle okuma hakki. Susma hakki." (Tanitim Bulteninden)

Parisian scapegoat Benjamin Malaussène, along with his family of half sisters and brothers, are once again the target for a series of increasingly catastrophic mishaps that culminate in Malaussène’s imprisonment on 21 counts of murder. Meanwhile, the real serial killer remains at large. In this sprawling thriller, …

Benjamin Malaussene is a downtrodden publisher at Vendetta Press. Treated as a scapegoat by Queen Zabo, doyenne of publishing, he finally resigns, only for Zabo to offer him a starring role. All he has to do is to impersonate the world's best-loved, but hitherto anonymous author, J.L.B.

Married on Saturday, Thèrése Malausséne dumps her husband, the ramrod-straight, squeaky-clean councillor, and returns to her own home in Paris's Belleville quarter on Monday morning. At about the same time, the eminent but jilted husband is found dead and shoeless at the bottom of a stairwell, and a sack of money has …