If Tomorrow Comes is a 1985 crime fiction novel by American author Sidney Sheldon. It is a story portraying an ordinary woman who is framed by the Mafia, her subsequent quest for vengeance towards them and her later life as a con artist. The novel was adapted into a three-part TV miniseries with the same name in 1986, …

『ゲームの達人』は、1982年に発表されたシドニィ・シェルダン原作の小説。また、それを原作としたテレビドラマ、映画。 シェルダンはこの作品を以って売れっ子作家の仲間入りを果たした。4部構成になっている。

Are You Afraid of the Dark? is a 2004 novel and the last novel by bestselling thriller writer Sidney Sheldon.

Nothing Lasts Forever is a 1994 novel by Sidney Sheldon. This medical thriller tells the story of three female doctors trying to prove themselves in a profession dominated by men. Each of them has their own story, and each of their tales are well connected and intertwined with each other. But suddenly there is chaos, …

The Doomsday Conspiracy is a thriller novel by American writer Sidney Sheldon published in 1991. The story concerns an American naval officer who encounters a mysterious force during an investigation in a balloon accident in the Swiss Alps.

'Zeit der Vergeltung' - Mit großem persönlichem und finanziellem Einsatz unterstützt die junge, ehrgeizige Leslie den Kandidaten für den Gouverneursposten des Staates Kentucky, Oliver Russell. Alles setzt sie daran, diesen charismatischen Politiker zu heiraten. Das böse Erwachen folgt jedoch bald - Oliver ehelicht die …